2021 In Review

December 31, 2021 - Culture

Well, here we are again at the end of another year. It’s hard to believe 2021 is over. Time definitely flew by, but the Foxy team still accomplished a lot. Let’s take a moment to review what happened in 2021.

New Foxy Dashboard (Sneak Peek)

Though it’s not ready for public use yet, we’ve made a ton of progress on the new Foxy dashboard and are already using it internally. Check out this video for a sneak peak. Phase 1 of the new dashboard will be available for Foxy users some time in Q1.

Customer Portal Improvements

Lots of improvements made to the customer portal: new UI, faster loading, and more. Check out our latest demo here to see for yourself.

Digital Gift Cards (Coming 2022)

An exciting new feature we’ve been quietly working on is digital gift cards. Customers will be able to input a gift card number at checkout to pay for their order. Remaining balances will be maintained. Eventually, this will tie into our customer portal wallet section. Keep an eye out for more info in 2022.

Integromat Integration

We put together a step-by-step article, that will walk you through integrating Foxy with Integromat. Now you can connect Foxy customer/order info to thousands of apps. In addition, you can connect Integromat to the Foxy API to create even more powerful actions. Learn more here.

Coinbase Commerce Integration

Now you can quickly and easily start accepting Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ether (Ethereum), Litecoin, and USD Coin with your Foxy store in any website. Read announcement here.

Xendit Integration

Foxy users in Indonesia and the Philippines now can accept payments via credit/debit cards, e-Wallets, bank transfers, and more. Learn how to connect your Foxy store to Xendit here.

Pay360 Integration

Now you can accept card payments with Pay360, a leading payment solutions company with over 18 years of experience in the payments industry. Learn more here.

Viva Wallet Integration

Foxy users selling CBD related products now have more ways to accept payments with our new Viva Wallet integration. Learn more here.

Custom Tax Endpoint

Have custom tax needs? Need more flexibility when applying sales taxes to your Foxy-powered transactions? Look no further with our custom tax endpoint functionality. Learn more here.

Klarna Integration (North American Merchants)

Our Klarna integration now supports merchants in North America. Learn more here.

Romanian Language Translation

You can now translate your Foxy templates into Romanian.

As always, thank you to our users. Without your support and feedback, Foxy wouldn’t be able to keep offering the best ecommerce experience possible. If you need anything at all, please don’t hesitate to contact us.