CultureSysadmins patch servers. Doctors patch sysadmins.
Our fearless lead system administrator, Fred, does many awesome things. He’s an amazing FoxyCart team member, loves learning new things, shaves his h...
CulturePossibly our most satisfied user, ever.
We get a lot of very positive feedback from our wonderful users, but sometimes we get something that so fully validates our efforts we just have to s...
Product Updates
Product UpdatesSiteGrinder 3 announced with FoxyCart support
Our friends at Media Lab have announced SiteGrinder 3, which adds a full CMS and FoxyCart support to their already powerful Photoshop -> Website c...
Product Updates
Product Updatesv060 Notes: PayPal, Guest Checkouts, and more
The following was originally emailed to all FoxyCart users on 2009.12.15. It is published on our blog for reference. FoxyCart v060: Lots of good stuf...
Product Updates
Product UpdatesSharing Store Access from within the FoxyCart Admin
While FoxyCart has had the ability to share stores across users from day 1, we never got around to building an interface to allow our users to add or...
Best PracticesMarketingThe Importance of Copy on E-Commerce Websites
What we do. What we ignore. As web professionals, we often focus on what we think we’re supposed to focus on. When I started as a web designer, my “s...
Best Practices“Add to Cart” Buttons for Inspiration
We meant to post this a while ago, but better late than never. Here’s a list of 80 Add to Cart button designs a la Enjoy! 80 Exampl...
CultureWant to say hello in person? FoxyCart Meetups!
This wasn’t supposed to be quite so last minute, but Brett will be flying to Nashville next week for a few things, and while he’s there we wanted to ...
Product Updates
Product UpdatesScheduled Downtime, Status, and Failover
Scheduled Downtime: Saturday, 2009.09.12, 01:00am EST In order to continue to provide reliable e-commerce service to our users, we are upgrading our ...