CultureWhy Your Colleagues Still Don’t Understand Hypermedia APIs
Today, our very own Luke Stokes posted on Medium about Hypermedia API documentation, some examples, and how we can make improvements. We invite you t...
Product Updates
Product UpdatesSkrill and PesaPal Support
Over the years, we have worked hard to build a growing list of over 90 payment gateways and alternate payment methods. Today we are excited to announ...
Product Updates
Product UpdatesMulti-currency support is here!
Like they say, “good things come to those who wait”. Well, the wait is finally over. Today we are super excited to announce multi-currency support fo...
Product Updates
Product UpdatesReverse SSO, upsells, and more
For many FoxyCart users, our Single Sign On Functionality (aka SSO) isn’t anything new. This functionality allows customers who are already logged in...
Product Updates
Product UpdatesSubscription Functionality Improvements
Since day one we have eaten our own dog food by using the same subscription functionality we built for our users to handle our own recurring billing....
Product Updates
Product UpdatesConnecting to QuickBooks
It’s probably an understatement to say that many businesses choose QuickBooks as their preferred accounting software. While there are other options b...
Product Updates
Product UpdatesMore Ways to Pay for Your Foxycart Subscription
After many requests from our awesome users, we are excited to announce that you can now pay for your FoxyCart subscription with the new Login and Pay...
Product Updates
Product UpdatesIntegrating FoxyCart: CartHook
This week, we are excited to announce our latest integration, CartHook. With over 50% of shopping carts being abandoned, it just makes sense that mer...
CultureBehaviour Driven Development (BDD) and FoxyCart
When adding new features or making changes to an application, it’s important to ensure that the changes won’t break existing functionality. While you...